All-On-Four Implants in Baltimore

what are all-on-four implants?

All On Four implants are full-mouth, permanent dental implants that are placed onto four specialized dental implants. They are a great alternative to traditional dentures, since they have a more secure hold and will never shift or move. 

All On Four is a great option for patients in Baltimore who may have lost most or all of their teeth, but are looking for a long-term, natural, and convenient alternative to dentures. Contact Be More Dental today to learn more, and see if All On Four is right for you.

Check out our Implant Studio

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Restore your confidence with TeethXpress Dental Implants

TeethXpress is a superior long-term solution to replace your missing teeth, giving you beautiful, natural looking teeth that will allow you to function as if you had all of your natural teeth in a healthy condition!

The TeethXpress solution uses dental implants to secure your new set of beautiful teeth, and like natural teeth, the dental implants will stimulate your jawbone when you chew your food. This will help to prevent jawbone loss and secure a new set of beautiful teeth so that you can eat, speak and live confidently without the fear of slipping dentures.

Did you know…

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All On Four dentures don’t have to be removed, which simplifies the care process and makes your life more convenient.

Ready to schedule a consultation?

Call (410) 276-4455 today!

How it works: The all-on-four process

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To begin the process, Dr. Amanda Hurley will perform a comprehensive oral exam. She will discuss all of your options for restoring your smile, including All On Four. Together, you’ll decide which treatment is right for you.

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preparatory surgeries

If you get All On Four, you may need surgeries to extract any remaining teeth, smooth out your jaw bone, or add bone (bone grafting) to your jaw. You’ll work with our team to get all the preparatory surgeries you need for your treatment.

implant placement surgery

Your mouth will be cleaned and numbed. Dr. Hurley will place a series of four implants in the upper jaw, lower jaw, or both sets of jaws. These special implants are angled to provide maximum stability. Once your implants are in place, Dr. Hurley will attach a set of teeth to them, restoring your smile.

healing & recovery

It will take 1-2 weeks to heal from your initial surgery, but it may take months for your jaw bone to bond with your dental implants. You will come back to our office for regular checkups and follow ups so that Dr. Hurley can check your progress, and begin crafting your final set of teeth.

final restoration placement

At your final appointment, Dr. Hurley will remove your temporary set of implant-supported bridges, then attach your permanent set of teeth. You’ll go home with a functional and beautiful smile that will last for the years and decades to come.

Did you know…

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Unlike dentures which require replacements, dental implants can potentially last a lifetime.

Interested in dental implants?

Call (410) 276-4455 to book an appointment.

more about all-on-four implants

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will all-on-four implants prevent bone loss?

Yes! Just like other types of dental implants, All On Four helps prevent bone resorption after tooth loss. Your dental implants will place pressure on your jaw bone when you bite and chew, which will keep your jaw bone healthy.

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How Is All On Four Different From Traditional Implants Or Implant Supported Dentures?

All On Four uses a special type of dental implant, and a treatment process where the implants are angled into the jaw bone to provide maximum support, while still only requiring the use of 4 total implants.

Unlike most implant-supported dentures, All On Four is not removable. Your teeth are not designed to be removed, so you don’t need to worry about taking them out at night. You can treat them pretty much like you would treat your natural teeth!

Who Is A Candidate For All On Four Implants?

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All On Four implants are usually only recommended if you have lost most or all of your teeth. They require any remaining teeth to be extracted, similarly to traditional dentures. Your jaw bone must also be strong enough to accommodate your dental implants, and your mouth must be free of any serious oral health problems like severe gum disease.

Non-smokers are also better candidates for All On Four. Smoking and tobacco use can cause serious complications when healing and recovering from All On Four. Smokers can still get All On Four in some cases, but there is a much higher risk of something going wrong during the process.

Did you know…

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Dental implants are made of titanium, which is one of the strongest and most durable metals.

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